Seed Library

Library Board


President - Tanya Landgraf

Vice President - Jill Johnston

Secretary - Beth Olsen

Connie Doonan

Marie Eckerman

Chase Wilson

Mary Carlson





Reviewed 2/2010

Revised 6/2013

Reviewed 1/2016

Revised 9/2018

Revised 9/2021


Newell Public Library Board Bylaws



    1. The Newell Public Library board of trustees, hereafter referred to as the Board. 

    2. The Board will comply with the Iowa Code in all questions of library law and governance and will further comply with the regulations set forth in the city’s library ordinance. The Board’s specific powers and duties are set forth in the library ordinance. 


    1. The Board shall meet on the third Monday of every month (excluding December) at 4:30 p.m. in the Newell Public Library’s meeting room, unless agreed upon by members. 

    2. Special meetings may be held at any time at the call of the president or secretary. 

    3. A quorum shall consist of 4 members (from its total membership of 7 trustees). 

    4. The Board shall comply with Iowa’s Open Meetings law by printing and publicly posting a copy of it’s agenda 24 hours prior to the meeting. 

    5. The Board shall record its proceedings as minutes and shall keep copies of the minutes available for public inspection. 

    6. The Director and/or Assistant Director of the Newell Public Library shall be present and participating at each meeting of the Board. 

    7. The Board will conduct its meetings according to parliamentary procedure as detained in the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Orders.


    1. Officers shall be the Board president, vice president, secretary and treasurer and shall be elected at the annual meeting in July. 

    2. The president shall preside at all meetings, appoint all committees, and generally perform all duties associated with the office. In the absence of the president, the vice president shall assume the president’s duties. The secretary shall record all proceedings of the Board and handle correspondence. The treasurer shall consult with the city clerk to maintain financial records and present a written report to the Board at each meeting. 

    3. The Chairperson shall appoint special committees of one or more members for such special purposes as the Board may require. 

    4. Special committees shall make progress reports to the Board and no committee shall have other than advisory powers unless it is granted specific powers to act, by suitable action of the Board.


    1. Hire and evaluate the library director. 

    2. Set policies for the library’s operations and services. 

    3. Set salaries and benefits for the library’s personnel. 

    4. Participate in the budget process and secure adequate financial support for the library’s operations and services. 

    5. Engage in planning for the library’s future. 

    6. Ensure and finance library director and staff participation in training and continuing education. 

    7. Participate in Board training and educational opportunities. 

    8. Ensure the library’s involvement in Regional and statewide library initiatives. 

    9. Agree to serve no longer than 2 consecutive 6-year terms on the Board. At the Board’s discretion, this term limit may be waived by a quorum vote. 


    1. These bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the Board with a quorum present, by a unanimous vote of the members present, provided that notice of proposed amendments be given to all members of the Board at least 10 days prior to the meeting.